"The Tile, more than a popular art, is a reflection of the Soul of a People"

Who is Cristina?
Cristina is an eternal lover of art, in general, and in particular by painting.
Since 1998, and in addition to the activity she develops in the studio, she dedicates herself to painting classes. Its students are mostly the general public, with an interest in the area, but also the most fragile population, thus contributing to their integration into society through art.
In parallel he participates in artistic interventions for the city of Lisbon together with the parish council of Santa Maria Maior, where he also resides since always, as well as where his atelier is located. It is in this atelier that receives visitors from all over the world and where the sharing of cultures, conversations and moments of mutual learning takes place.
Usually, there is no one who leaves without getting a souvenir!
Cristina Works
​1988 - present
Atividade Artística - Painéis elaborados:
Papa João Paulo II (elaborado aquando última visita do papa a Portugal);
António Mira (painel sem nome);
"Menir" para António Mira;
Viera da Silva (painel sem nome);
"A selva" de Pedro Calapez;
"Módulos para azulejo" para Pedro Calapez;
"Rochard" para Ana Rocha;
"Caravela" para Luís Duran;
"Infante Dom Henrique" para António Mendes;
"Padrões de Arquiteto" para Graça Dias e João Basto;
Coleção Particular de Erik Sampers, França;
Coleção Particular de Barbara Mnupelse, Holanda;
Coleção Particular de Flessman, Holanda;
Coleção Particular de Mevce Lici, Istambul;
Coleção Particular de Mário Branco, Saint Tropez;
Chateux de Voisins, França;
Interiores Rosemarywain, Londres;
Condomínio privado, Washinton DC;
Embaixada de portugal, Washinton DC;
Clube dos Colecionadores;
Delegação ICEP, Arábia Saudita;
Restaurante "Vasco da Gama", Seixal;
Restaurante "Mercado do Peixe", Lisboa;
Restaurante "Opegare", Luxemburgo;
Restaurante "O Labirinto", Lisboa;
Restaurante "Novo Altaír", Lisboa;
Farmácia "Bastos Andrade", Lisboa;
Grupo Desportivo Mouraria;
Estação CTT, Funchal;
Inúmeros Cartões de Artista;
Paíneis elaborados para coleções públicas;
Museu de Arte Antiga;
Museu do Azulejo;
Museu Arqueológico do Carmo;
Palácio Nacional da Pena;
Palácio Nacional da Ajuda;
Palácio Nacional de Mafra;
Palácio da Independência;
Câmara Municipal de Lisboa - Castelo de São Jorge;
Junta de Freguesia de São Domingos de Benfica;
Junta de Freguesia do Socorro;
Junta de Freguesia de Santa Maria Maior.
António Arroio Art School
The António Arroio Art School has as patron António José Arroyo (1856-1934) who, in addition to his technical career as an engineer, has authored works on literature, music, fine arts and above all, inspector and scholar devoted to technical education and art applied in this case.
In 1986, Cristina has completed the Professional Course of painting, decoration and ceramics at the Secondary School António Arroio with Master Querubin Lapa and Master Aldina. SHe also attended the Course of acrylic and oil painting (unlimited art)